
Members of Singing Men are local church music leaders – full-time, bi-vocational or volunteer – and other church musicians in Southern Baptist churches in Louisiana. Those men who presently or formerly serve as Ministers of Music, Worship Leaders, Music or Choir Directors (or similar titles) are eligible for membership in the group. Men who are not the designated music leader in their church must be active in their church’s music ministry and must audition for the group.

To audition for the group, men who are not the designated music leader in their church need to make an audition audio recording singing "Amazing Grace" with accompaniment (piano or guitar).  The recording can simply be made using a cell phone.  Then email or text message the audition recording to the email address shown on the application form or to your Music Minister.

You will enjoy the fellowship of musicians throughout the state, the knowledge that comes from a group whose members have a wide range of expertise, and the opportunity to minister beyond your own church. It does take time, but it’s worth it.